On Sound, Consciousness & Healing

On Sound, Consciousness & Healing

What is sound? Sound is created by vibrations traveling through air as sound waves. Sound waves are produced by vibrating objects and radiate outward from their source in all directions. A vibrating object compresses surrounding air molecules (forcing them closer...

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Santo Diame

Santo Diame

SourceABC do Santo Daime - Maria Betania Barbosa Albuquerque - EDaUEPA, Belem, PA 2007 Santo Daime is a religious doctrine that originated in the Amazon jungle at the beginning of the XX century whose main characteristic is the ingestion of the sacramental drink...

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On Ayahuasca

On Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a traditional indigenous brew consisting originally of Banisteriopsis Caapi (a vine named Cipo’ or Jagube in the Brazilian Amazon) and Psychotria Viridis (a smallish plant referred to as “rainha da floresta”, the queen of the forest and “folha” meaning...

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This meditation is for beginners and experienced meditators alike, a gentle invitation to go within, find balance and peace.